Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Cast & Creators Say Goodbye
Season 7, Series Finale


Clark Gregg | © ABC Network and Marvel Television

"Seven seasons. Thanks to Coulson Lives. Thanks to the greatest fans in the world. Thank you for going on the ride with us."
—Clark Gregg

Life got way too busy three years ago. I've been behind on tweeting all season and right now I'm trying to finish "Brand New Day" before the finale tonight. So, I have no time to write extensively about how much this show has meant to me these past seven years, the way I wanted to. But you have only to read posts about the first three seasons (and some of the fourth) to know how I feel about it. I may have stopped blogging about it, for the most part, but my affection for it only grew. That's how it goes with all my favorite shows.

But even though I ran out of time, I had to say this little something. I couldn't just let it go. Today will be an easy day, a day of rest—which I rarely get—to emotionally prepare for this. No matter how it ends, I imagine a rewatch is in order. I've been meaning to do that this whole time. One day, hopefully, I'll get to share my thoughts on the last three seasons as I go through each episode again, knowing this time how it ends.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. may be ending, and the ending may be very, very bittersweet. But so was the ending to season 5. These last two seasons we almost didn't even have. I will treasure them and this wonderful cast forever. They did the same for us. Watch their farewell messages below and grab a box of tissues. Keep it by your side tonight.

@AgentsofSHIELD just (well, almost 3 hours ago now) tweeted out a video with all the title cards of the series. Except for tonight's. No idea if those will be different. Got such feels from this and it's only the series title and the S.H.I.E.L.D. symbol...and the Hydra symbol, the Earth cracking, those lovely throwbacks to the different times they've just been to—and all those other things. So, yeah, I guess there's a lot of emotion just wrapped up simply in the opening of the show.

And somehow I forgot to add the series finale trailer here earlier. I had already put it on the front page in the "Watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." section, but I switch videos there and only show one at a time. This one will be up for a while, but next time I blog about MAOS, I will change it to a relevant clip.

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