Just Another Thing to Buy
So, I bought a nice new Plantronics Audio 995 wireless headset. My old wired fold up set, the DSP-400, was beyond on its way out. The right ear piece would only work half the time and I had to tape both wires into a very specific position. This is the same set I replaced twice in three years. Each time I did, though, Plantronics replaced it for free, so that was a great thing and I can highly recommend the company. I should have just gone with the same set or something similar, but I was so ready to get something wireless. I have just too much clutter around.Unfortunately, after just 20 minutes of work I got a headache which then traveled down my neck. I'm perfectly fine when I take it off. I tried on and off for the last two days but it's definitely not working for me. My original pair I can wear for 8 hours without a problem. I have a shit ton of work tomorrow and the only way I'm going to be able to do it without a lot of pain is to use my half working DSP-400. Woohoo. Good thing I didn't throw it away yet. So, now I have to get a new one again. Hopefully, someone on eBay isn't affected by slightly too tight headphones, because I sure would like some of my money back.
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