Doctor Who
The Time of the Doctor


Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

I was way too busy getting ready for Christmas this week to realize that this shirt was coming up. Good thing I just happened to check my email before bed. I haven't been buying shirts lately, because I've been too near broke. But The 11th Hour is a must buy since it has photochromatic ink that changes in sunlight and is commemorating Matt Smith's regeneration episode, which was ending while I was writing this. Must avoid Twitter spoilers. Can't watch until tomorrow...Sunday at the latest. We got home from the Christmas celebrations in time, but we were just too exhausted. Okay, must go to bed and recover from all the food and try to avoid having nightmare dreams of what may have happened in the episode. Hmm, now I have two Eleven shirts. Next time has to be Ten. Still miss him. I need Tennant's face on my chest.

Not much time left today to get this beauty. It starts at $11 a shirt and $3 for shipping. You're gonna have to choose between navy and black, though. Very hard decision. I finally chose navy, because I have few shirts in that color.


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